How to Tie a Figure Eight Knot

The figure eight knot is a simple knot that is easy to tie.  It’s incredibly useful at the same time.  This is a knot that I use to prevent losing the end of halyards ort other lines through blocks or clutches.  I also use it to tie my harness on when I go up the mast.  But then, I trace the tail back through a second time.  I’m going to show you the simple figure eight here.  If you want to use the figure eight as a way to secure your harness, make sure you get additional training from someone with climbing experience, and double check your knots & harness. 


Some people also tie a figure eight at the end of sheets or guys. I do not do this.  In a gust or heavy wind situation, you may need to blow a guy or sheet.  If you have figure eight knots keeping them in place; you won’t be able to free the sheet or guy quickly if needed. 


Here are the steps to tie a figure eight:


 Start with the line straight.

Esterle Figure Eight Step 1

 Brig the tail back over the rest of the line

Esterle Figure Eight Step 2

 Twist the loop to give you the tail in the configuration shown below

EsterleFigure Eight Step 3

 Bring the tail back through the loop that you twisted

Esterle Figure Eight Step 4

 Pull the tail to tighten the knot

Esterle Figure Eight Step 5

Please note – there should be plenty of tail sticking out from the tied knot.  That way, if your figure eight gets pulled into a clutch or block; you still have something to grab on to so that you can pull the line back. 



Here’s a video using a slightly different technique if you want to see someone tie a figure eight knot real time: